Blog Envy
I must say that I have a little bit of blog envy of people like Michael Berube who has the time to watch, think about, and post on Sean Hannity. I also am jealous of the time (not to mention intellect) that author Steven Johnson has to mine the web, digest and respond to what he has read, and post frequently to his blog. These two (and many others) represent what we currently think of as good blogging: posts that draw from, summarize, comment upon, and link to other sites on the web (and frequently to media off the web – TV, movies, etc.).
I’m also posting this as an example of the blurring of my professional (academic) life and my personal life. Academically, I’m teaching my students more about blogs with this post, as we have just started our blogging unit. And, also, I’m revealing the personal realities that impact my whole life: feeling like I never have enough time (which might secretly be a symptom of my own inadequate time management).
For more on the fluidity between personal and public selves and how that gets represented on blogs, check out my next post (coming later today or tomorrow – depending upon how I manage my time : ).
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