i, Podius

I continue to dig my 18-month old iPod! I began by using it just to go running -- I need music to keep my going when I run -- "It's got a good beat and I can jog to it, I give it a 95!"
Lately, I have discovered podcasting. I downloaded my first podcast the other day: a segment from The News Hour with Jim Lehrer. Very cool! Now I can listen to Mark Shields and David Brooks (the Friday night political commentators) on the go! I am on the go more often now since have started riding the train to work. Despite my graying hair, I'm sure I look like quite the hipster with my iPod on the train.
I've got iTunes playing on my PC as I type this entry. I just listened to "Bed, Bed, Bed" from the They Might Be Giants kids' album. Then came "Bitter Pill" by Annie Lennox, and now I've got some vintage B-52's playing ("Good Stuff").
What's playing on your iPod right now? Have you podcasted (excellent new verb, eh?) yet? Any tips or recommendations?
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