Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bad, Bad Bloggie

I have violated the cardinal rule of blogging: I have let my blog lie dormant for two months! I was busy with end-of-the-semester grading and such. But what about during the break, you ask, wasn't there free time then? Yes, of course, but since this is a kind of "teaching log blog," I did not post while I did not teach.

But, alas, I am back! On Monday, a new semester starts and with it a new crop of Advanced Composition students. Did they read the catalog? Do they know this section will focus on electronic writing? Or did they just want to take the class because of the time of day?

Will my students have a lot of technological experience? Will they have interest in electronic writing spaces? Or will they resist? Resist they may, but they all come around - at least somewhat.

Whereas last semester, I entered this class with equal parts excitement and trepidation, this semester, I am much more confident. I have worked out the kinks in the class -- established a much more reasonable workload and such.

So, stay tuned, here comes another semester of teacher blogging!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, more blogging. I'm glad you're having a great time with all this electronic writing. I just wanted to let all of your students know that they will learn A LOT in your class! -Khonnie

10:35 AM  

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