The broken TV on the sidewalk

So I was walking down the street with my daughter the other day and we saw a broken TV set smashed on the sidewalk. (Note: this is not the actual TV we saw; this is an image from
She asked how it got there.
"I don't know," I said. "Can you think of any ways it could have gotten here?"
Being 7 years old and loving guessing games, my daughter immediately launched into a plethora of hypotheses about what could have happened to the TV:
. . . it could have been thrown from a car
. . . a "bad guy" could have been chasing a "regular guy" who dropped the TV
. . . a robber could have been running away with the TV, lost his shoe, and dropped the TV on the sidewalk (there was, in fact, an abandoned shoe in the bushes right next to the TV in question).
Spotting the shoe prompted my daughter to look for more clues (or clews, as George Bernard Shaw and John Dewey would spell it). About half a block later, we found a post-it with random numbers on it -- she suspected that it had something to do with the TV fiasco, but what? Longitude and latitude of the house that the TV was stolen from? The weight of the TV set in pounds and kilograms? The license plate of the getaway vehicle?
About three blocks further, my daughter spotted a footprint in the dirty gutter. She was convinced that next to the shoe print was an indentation mark made by a bare toe -- more evidence for the one-shoed burglar theory.
We arrived home, crime unsolved . . . what is your theory?
mom, you forgot to write that the post it note said "Comcast" on it!
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