The Justice and the Pundit

Since I just lauded the blogs that post about current events instead of author-centered drivel, I will try my hand at a little commentary.
I am generally interested in political news and speculation, so I'll weigh in on Sandra Day O'Connor's recent announcement that she will retire from the Supreme Court. I like her. Of course, I disagree with some of her judicial opinions, but li

O'Connor is kind of like David Brooks of the New York Times and The News Hour, he's a Republican that many liberals like. I generally like what he has to say on The News Hour -- and even when I disagree with him, I respect the fact that he can outline his thinking and not give some vague, lame-ass rationale like "family values."
I doubt W will nominate a Sandra Day O'Connor/David Brooks Republican-who-is-not-afraid-to-look-at-all-angles-type of justice, but I am holding out hope. I heard some right-wing nut on TV the other day saying that she did not want a justice who would surprise her; she wanted someone on the court whose votes she could predict. Ugh! How anti-intellectual is that! I know that W-luvin' Republicans pride themselves on their anti-intellectualism, but let's keep them off of the Supreme Court, please! We have three branches of government, let's keep one that values analytical thinking.
See, now I know how to put images into my blog. Who knows what I'll learn next . . .Stay tuned!